DISCONTINUED - Replaced by innuPREP DNA Mini Kit 2.0
The blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit has been specially optimized for isolating DNA from pieces of mouse and rat tails, guaranteeing extremely high yields in a very short period of time.
The blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit has been specially optimized for isolating DNA from pieces of mouse and rat tails, guaranteeing extremely high yields in a very short period of time.
The deltaPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit (MDX) is a highly efficient tool for directly isolating DNA from whole blood samples of up to 400 μl.
The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit has been designed for isolation of DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria cells derived from liquid cultures.
The innuPREP Beer Bacteria DNA Kit is designed for efficiently isolating bacterial DNA from beer samples, turbid liquids and bacteria shaking cultures.
The kit utilizes a patented DNA extraction technology that integrates an initial, highly efficient homogenization step with subsequent DNA binding to a spin filter. The process is facilitated by specially formulated buffers, which enable the isolation of high-quality DNA that is free from PCR inhibitors. This approach ensures the recovery of pure DNA, even from challenging samples such as turbid or dark beers.
The new innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit is a highly efficient tool for directly isolating DNA from whole blood samples of up to 400 μl.
The innuPREP Blood RNA Kit 2.0 allows users to extract total cellular RNA from fresh whole blood samples, which were stabilized with either EDTA or citrate.
The innuPREP cell-free microRNA Kit has been designed for very fast and efficient isolation of cell-free microRNAs from exosomes and other microvesicles.
The innuPREP DNA Mini Kit 2.0 has been designed as a very efficient tool for fast isolation of genomic DNA from a wide range of starting materials like whole blood (fresh or frozen blood; stabilized with EDTA or citrate, from common blood collection systems), tissue, rodent tails, eucaryotic cells, bacterial cell cultures as well as buccal swabs.
The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit is IST Innuscreen‘s all-rounder kit. With binding capacities of 50 µg DNA and 100 µg RNA, respectively, both nucleic acids can be isolated from a single sample to produce excellent quality and yields.
The innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit is a highly efficient tool for removing DNA from RNA samples that have been contaminated with DNA.
The innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit was designed for efficient extraction of DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels and utilizes a novel 2-step technology for purifying amplification products from PCR reaction mixtures and sequencing reaction mixtures.
The innuPREP FFPE DNA Kit has been designed as a very efficient tool for fast isolation of genomic DNA from FFPE samples for subsequent purposes. The kit can be used with different amounts of FFPE tissue samples / sections, up to a maximum of 50 mg.
The innuPREP FFPE total RNA Kit allows the extraction of total RNA with an excellent recovery of microRNAs from FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples.
The innuPREP Forensic Kit is a sophisticated tool optimized specifically for isolating genomic DNA from tiny samples and from highly contaminated forensic specimens.
Using the innuPREP Micro RNA Kit allows researchers to isolate small RNA molecules and achieve high yields. The new, optimized binding buffer system makes it possible to achieve high rates of recovery for small RNA molecules such as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA and snRNA.
The innuPREP PCRpure Kit provides an extremely fast, simple and highly efficient method for purifying amplification products directly from PCR reaction mixtures, sequencing reaction mixtures and/or for concentrating PCR products. Purification is based on a two-step method and takes only approx. 3 minutes to complete.
The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit has been specially developed for quickly and easily isolating DNA from an extremely wide variety of plant starting materials (such as leaves, stems, roots, flowers, etc.).
The chemistry underlying the innuPREP Plant RNA Kit, which has been specifically adapted for isolating plant materials (e.g. leaves, caulis, root, blossom), guarantees highly efficient lysis and effectively deactivates endogenous and exogenous RNases.
The innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit 2.0 allows the fast and easy isolation of plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures. To gain an optimal result, protocol steps as well as the chemistry and spin filters were improved in comparison to the precursor product innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit.
The innuPREP RNA Mini Kit 2.0 is the all-rounder for the extraction of total RNA. The specially optimized lysis buffer system guarantees the isolation of intact RNA and sustainably inactivates endogenous and exogenous RNases.