Kit Finder
Find the suitable RNA or DNA extraction kit and accessories in the Kit-Finder
We are a life science company specializing in nucleic acid isolation and molecular diagnostics. Our broad product portfolio consists of variety of unique technology platforms for the isolation and purification of nucleic acids, extraction of high molecular weight DNA for NGS-applications as well as the enrichment of biomolecules such as cell-free DNA and RNA, viruses or subcellular particles.
New products
Target Concentration
Learn more about our new, simple, fast and efficient method for target concentration. The patented technology for the concentration of biomolecules allows for processing of large-volume samples without centrifucation or filtration steps!

World Innovation
Extraction with KingFisherFlex and Smart Modified tip Combs, DNA binds directly to the Smart Modified Tip Combs followed by washing steps and elution - ready to use HMW DNA for further analysis on long read systems, e.g. nanopore sequencing.
- innuPREP SE Blood & Eukaryotic Cells UHMW DNA Kit - KFFLX
- innuPREP SE Blood direct HMW DNA Kit - KFFLX
Friedrich Miescher; first scientist to isolate nucleic acid in 1869If we were to assume that a single substance was in some way the specific cause of fertilization, then no doubt the nuclein would have to be the primary concern.
Our expertise
Our nucleic acid extraction kits support academic research across several industries.
Molecular Diagnostics
Academic research & Gentic testing/screening
- Clinical diagnostics
- Diagnostic laboratories
- Veteranary diagnostics
- Forensic anallysis
Genetic engnineering
- Plasmid editing
- Drug development
Organism identification
- Academic research
- Public authorities (plant control)
- Soil/water analysis laboratories
Microbial detection
- Academic research
- Public authorities
- Food & Feed producers / suppliers & Crop science
- Food & Feed analysis laboratories
- Agriculturural laboratories
- Import/export controls
GMO/allergen analysis
- Academic research
- Public authorities
- Food & Feed producers / suppliers & Crop science
- Food & Feed analysis laboratories
- Agriculturural laboratories
- Import/export controls