innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16

The innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16 is designed for the automated extraction of both bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA by using the InnuPure C16 touch. 
Each Reagent Plate is prefilled and ready to use for 8 samples.


The kit is suitable for a broad spectrum of starting material ranging from cell culture supernatant, cell-free body fluids and whole blood as well as fecal samples, swabs and other relevant material. The kit is based on a patented extraction chemistry and provides best yields of pure nucleic acids accompanied by an accelerated procedure.

Pre-filled reagent strips or plates reduce required manual steps and thereby minimize the risk of errors. After binding to surface-modified magnetic particles and multiple wash steps, nucleic acids are eluted with RNase-free water. The resulting DNA/RNA can directly be used in subsequent downstream applications such as qPCR. To verify the extraction process the kit contains a Carrier Mix composed of Carrier RNA, Internal Control DNA (IC DNA) and RNA (IC RNA).
As an alternative to the standard, pre-filled, sealed extraction kits for InnuPure C16 touch, corresponding lower-cost non-filled kit variants are also available. These kits also contain all the plastics and reagents required for extraction.

Sample type/Starting material
Cell-free body fluids & Cell culture (incl. supernatant or medium)
Blood, fresh or frozen
Fecal samples
Organ tissue

One kit for all sample types: broad spectrum of starting material ranging from cell-free body fluids to whole blood and fecal samples
Pre-filled kit for extraction of bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA in parallel
Automated extraction of up to 16 samples using the InnuPure C16 touch
Ideally suited for veterinary diagnostics

Starting material
Cell culture supernatant, cell-free body fluids (up to 400 µl)
Whole blood (up to 400 µl)
Fecal samples (50-100 mg)
Organ tissue, e.g. spleen, brain, tonsils, lungs, lymph nodes (5-10 mg)

Average yield
Depending on sample quality/quantity

Extraction time
84 min

Low Throughput Device
InnuPure C16touch
16 , 96 or 480 (IPC16 - Plate)
Order information
845-IPP-8016016 / 16 reactions / € 126.00
845-IPP-8016096 / 96 reactions / € 609.00
845-IPP-8016480 / 480 reactions / € 2,467.50