deltaPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16 (MDX)

CE-IVD Version for diagnostic purposes!

The novel deltaPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16 is an extraction kit for isolating viral DNA and RNA simultaneously from the same sample.
Each Reagent Plate is prefilled and ready to use for 8 samples.



Used in conjunction with the InnuPure C16 touch, the kit is suitable for an exceptionally wide variety of starting materials. The kit contains carrier nucleic acids so that researchers can perform an internal extraction control to prevent false-negative findings (using innuDETECT Internal Control kits). The system automatically processes up to 16 samples in pre-filled Reagent Strips/Plates. In addition to internal lysis, the viral nucleic acids are bound to magnetic and/or paramagnetic particles, washed and then eluted. The sealed Reagent Plastic effectively prevents cross-contamination among samples. Manual prep steps are reduced as well, which minimizes contact between users and infectious materials.

Sample type/Starting material
Cell-free body fluids & Cell culture (incl. supernatant or medium)
Stool samples

Preparation of up to 200 μl, 400 μl and even 600 μl serum, plasma and other cell-free body fluids
Automation for ideal reproducibility
Sensitive protocols for optimized yields

Starting material
Serum (200 μl)
Plasma (200 μl)
Cell-free bodily fluids (200 μl)
Cell culture supernatants (200 μl)
Swab samples
Stool samples (200 μl)

Extraction time
Lysis: internal
InnuPure C16 touch protocol: approx. 75 minutes
Average yield depends on the type and quantity of the starting material


Low Throughput Device
InnuPure C16touch
16 , 96 or 480 (IPC16 - Plate)
Order information
31-DP-4010016 / 16 reactions / € 131.25
31-DP-4010096 / 96 reactions / € 635.25
31-DP-4010480 / 480 reactions / € 2,572.50