The innuPREP Genomic DNA Kit – PP Mini has been designed for the automated isolation of genomic DNA from different kinds of starting material using the PurePrep Mini device.
The extraction procedure is based on a new kind of chemistry. The kit can be used for isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood samples (100 µl), buffy coat (100 µl), dry swabs, swabs in storage buffer, tissue samples (up to 20 mg), rodent tails, semen, saliva, hair/hair roots.
The extraction procedure takes place on the magnetic particle processor PurePrep Mini and allows the parallel and flexible extraction of up 1 to 16 samples.
The extraction process starts with sample lysis (external step) followed by automated extraction of gDNA on the PurePrep Mini.
One kit for all sample types: broad spectrum of starting material
Automated extraction of up to 16 samples using the PurePrep Mini
Starting material
Whole blood (up to 100µl)
Buffy coat (100µl)
Organ tissue, e.g. spleen, brain, tonsils, lungs, lymph nodes (up to 20 mg)
Rodent tails
Hair/hair roots
Average yield
Depending on sample quality/quantity
Extraction time
20 min (excluding external lysis)